Black Ops 4 Zombies: How To Activate Pack-a-Punch In ‘Blood Of The Dead’

Pack-a-Punch is a machine to upgrade weapons for the player. This is often the first step to solve Easter Egg in Zombies mode of the series Call of Duty: Black Ops. Here’s your step-by-step guide on how to activate Pack-a-Punch in the next series of Aether in Black Ops 4 – Blood of the Dead.


To open Pack-a-Punch in Blood of the Dead, we need to create the Spectral Shield. First you need to power the whole area to open the gate to Catwalk and activate teleport pads.

You will start at the Richtofen’s Laboratory, go up to Model Industries, open the gate to West Grounds, and go straight. In front of you is the way to Catwalk, and to your left is the gate to Power House.


The first power switch is at the corner of the room, under the light. Activate it and go back to Catwalk.

You need to take good care of the way, because this is one of the three places for Mystery Box and Pack-a-Punch.


From Catwalk, get down to Recreation Yard, continue straight through the Prison, and you will pass these places in order: Library -> C-D Street -> Cell Block 3rd Floor.


At 3rd floor, look for the hallway names, go to Michigan hallway then jump down to the right. Go straight then take left, you will get to Citadel tunnel.



At Citadel Tunnel, follow the hallway until you see the purchasing icon of M1897. Turn left and take the path next to the elevator, you will end up at last stage China Alley.


Open the iron gate into Building 64, get to the dark room with 3 switches, one of them will activate total power. Between two switches on the opposite wall is the second place for Pack-a-Punch.

Once you activate the switch, mini boss Warden will appear. Kill him and get the key.


Next, in order to create the shield, you need two items: Afterlife Essence and a shield part (they are both called “part”).

About Afterlife Essence, it will be marked by power boxes on the wall with blue light effect. It can appear in one of the following places:

  • At Time’s Square, near the path to Showers. You can get to Time’s Square by following the path near Cafeteria.
  • Next to Library entrance.
  • At Michigan Avenue, next to the path to Citadel tunnel.


Shield part will appear at one of the following places:

  • The slide next to the elevator at Citadel tunnel, it is on the second fence along the way down.
  • Next to the first stairway after you pass Citadel tunnel, right at a pile of skulls in a corner.
  • Next to the last stairway from Citadel Tunnel down to China Alley, it is right on the stairway.


At Building 64, open the gate to the Dock. You will notice a table for shield making. The second table can be found in  the hallway of  Cell Block on 3rd floor.


Take elevator at the Dock, you will get to Cell Block 3rd floor. Now take the narrow hallway at your right side to go to the Infirmary. On the way, you should get some souls for the Spectral Shield by pressing E to keep the shild, hold LMB to “drow” zombie souls. Be noted that the shield can be broken if you take too many hits, and you will have to create a new one.


Find your way to the roof of the Infirmary. If you have drown enough souls, the key will emit blue light. Stand next to the Voltmeter on the roof, hold RMB and click LMB to activate Soul Blast, The Voltmeter will be charged and Pack-a-Punch machine will appear.



Next is the extra step for you to upgrade the Spectral Shield into Attuned Spectral Shield. First of all, we need to get Hell’s Retriever.

Hell’s Retriever will appear when you feed 6 zombie corpses to the fiery dog heads. Their positions is marked by these images at three places:

  • Second floor Cell Block, on the alluminium sheet.
  • Outside of Warden’s Office.
  • In the cornor of New Industries house (right side of West Grounds at game start).



After feeding them, go to Warden’s office, you will find a teleport pad to Showers. While teleporting, grad Hell’s Retriever on a rock.


Find your way to Mystery Box at 3 location: Power House, Recreation Yard and Warden’s Office. Open Mystery Box until it drops a lock. Use Spectral Shield to drow soul until the lock emit blue light, and throw ném Hell’s Retriever to the lock. Your shield will be upgrade to Attuned Spectral Shield.


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