Fortnite ‘Save The World Mode’ Isn’t Going Free-To-Play In 2018

Fortnite Save The World Mode Isn’t Going Free-To-Play In 2018

Epic Games has announced Fortnite’s co-op PvE survival mode Save The World won’t launch in 2018 as initially planned.

Since launching in September 2017, Save The World has been available for a cost as part of bundles known as ‘packs’. Interestingly the mode was the initial driving concept behind Fortnite with the battle royale mode only developed later on. As the past year has taught us, plans changed as Fortnite

became a worldwide phenomenon.

Fortnite Save The World Mode Isn’t Going Free-To-Play In 2018

The mode was primed to be available for free by the end of this year with Epic eager to capitalize on the wild success of its free-to-play battle royale model and apply it to Save The World.

However, in a ‘State of Development’ post, Epic explains it plans to work on ‘a broad set of features, reworks, and backend system scaling we believe are needed to go free-to-play’. Citing the need to scale up ‘for the legions of player heroes who will be joining the fight is key to providing an excellent experience. This applies to all of our players, old and new, so we’re taking the time to get this right.’

Epic see the value of having a game capable of withstand the inevitable onslaught of interested players and have quite rightly decided to push back release to ensure the game has the robust infrastructure to do just that. There’s no information on when Epic hopes Save The World will go free-to-play, but 2019 is a sensible estimate.

Fortnite Save The World Mode Isn’t Going Free-To-Play In 2018

Nevertheless eager to entice players, Epic is running on exclusive 50% discount sale from next week on the Standard, Deluxe, Super Deluxe and Limited Founder’s packs. For those who’ve already purchased Save The World, logging in during the Fortnitemares event will grant you two heroes for free, which are Brainiac Jonesy and Skull Ranger Ramirez.

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