God Of War Gets Even More Stunning With Own Photo Mode

God of War Photo Mode

This year’s more successful release to date, God of War, is today bestowed with an update that includes a photo mode. You can now capture all the stunning beauty of the game as well as the savagery that Kratos and Atreus have to contend with throughout their adventure.

Accessible via the options menu on the PS4 controller (or by setting up Quick Access on the Touch Pad), you can enter photo mode at any point during the game, including in the midst of a fight to capture thrilling action shots.

God of War’s photo mode allows you to fine tune your snaps with five customization tabs that offer a variety of depth, filtering, and focus adjustments. These are camera, aperture, filters, borders, and characters. The last option is particularly enticing given that it allows you to add or remove characters from the frame, and more importantly, you can alter the facial expressions of the two protagonists. At the mere thought of this, we are excited to see what players come up with and the inevitable memes that are sure to surface.

As with most photo modes, the God of War version includes movement controls to get that perfect framing, and a handy return to original position feature should a reset be required after your creativity gets the better of you. In keeping with the overall quality of the game, PlayStation Santa Monica seem to have gone all out to provide a versatile selection of tools.

Patch 1.20 also provides an adjustment to the size of the in game UI and Menus text to improve legibility. Rage Mode can also be remapped thanks to a new accessibility feature. Finally, the patch is accompanied by a set of mobile stickers for the game, available on the App Store currently, and on Android very soon. Unsurprisingly, the set includes a ‘Boy!’ sticker. I wouldn’t expect anything less and I can now stop muttering it to myself in a feeble attempt to replicate Kratos’ guttural exclamation.

God of War Photo Mode

Fire up your PS4, download the update, and put those high school photography lessons to good use. Check out a few examples of what God of War’s photo mode is capable of below, courtesy of the PlayStation Blog’s flickr photo album.

God of War Photo Mode

God of War Photo Mode

God of War Photo Mode

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