God Of War Sequels Planned

The new God of War has been out now for a little while and it’s safe to say that is an absolutely amazing game. With the game finished and released the designers are giving us some insight in how the game was made and why it took them such a long time since the last God of War release back in 2010.

Cory Barlog director of God of War

In an interview with Kotaku, God of War director Cory Barlog has revealed a few interesting details on the game’s development and talks about what we can expect for God of War in the coming years. He stated that a big part of the 5 years that the game was in development was that they had to start from scratch. Barlog states “Everything really needed to be redone, because we just had torn the engine apart in so many different ways that when we finally brought the team together, everyone realized, ‘OK, this is not where it needs to be.'” He even claims that when they first revealed God of War at E3 2016, that there were still huge parts of the game missing. He states “the rendering engine wasn’t there, the lighting engine was half-there, the atmospheric engine was half-there.” He says that he and the team knew where they wanted to go, but they had issues to determine how to achieve what they wanted.

Barlog also talked about the difficulties of working on such a game as he claims that the level designers had to start designing levels without understanding the mechanics, since the team working on the mechanics didn’t have the tools yet that they needed to create the mechanics. He says that most of the project came together in the final few weeks. Barlog states “it looks terrible, it is an ugly baby, until the very last second. Then all of a sudden, there it is, everything’s there in a span of two or three weeks.” Furthermore in the interview is revealed that even after the game’s release they are still working on it to fix bug’s and oversights that they didn’t discover until after the game’s release. He also thanks the community for all the feedback on how to improve the game as well as being patient with the development team.

When asked if there are future plans for the God of War franchise, Cory bluntly states that there will be 5 more games coming. Although it’s not sure if there are really 5 more God of War games coming, we can be sure to see a return to the franchise. Although this was already most likely the case seeing the critical and financial success of the most recent game. Now that the engine has been revamped and new mechanics are in place we can expect that the wait for the next game will most likely not be another 5 years.


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