The Final Fantasy game series boasts a long list of talented individuals who have crafted this incredible JRPG from its inception to the present. Among them is Tetsuya Nomura, known for his distinctive style in character creation.
One example of his uniqueness is that the characters he creates are always handsome with spiky hair, like Cloud. There is actually a reason why he designs his characters this way. What might that reason be?
Tetsuya Nomura’s Reason for Creating Handsome and Cool Game Characters
In an exclusive interview with Young Jump, Tetsuya Nomura shared a wealth of interesting information with the public. One particularly intriguing topic was his penchant for designing characters that are both handsome and cool in all of his games.
When asked why the main characters in his games are always handsome, Nomura explained that he has a specific reason based on his high school experiences.
Tetsuya Nomura shared that one of his friends once questioned why players often have to play the role of the villain in video games. This conversation left a significant impression on Nomura.
From that experience, he began to consider creating game characters with captivating appearances. It became evident in his design of characters like the exceptionally handsome Cloud, and especially his arch-nemesis Sephiroth with his long hair.
An Overly Attractive Appearance Can Be Problematic Too
Nevertheless, Nomura also discussed the implications of having characters with overly captivating looks. He believes that if such attractiveness is applied to eccentric characters, they might become excessively edgy and lose the ability to evoke empathy from players. This issue is also relevant to the adventures they experience.
For that reason, characters with intriguing appearances or adventurous stories do not solely focus on the main character; they also highlight the antagonist, who possesses qualities the protagonist lacks. This can be seen in the case of the character Sephiroth.
Even when asked about his favorite villain or antagonist character, Tetsuya Nomura mentioned that Sephiroth is one of them. The reason is quite simple: he’s handsome. Besides Sephiroth, Nomura also likes the enemy characters from Organization XIII. He finds the design and personality of each member of the organization intriguing.
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