Categories: Console News

Dark Souls: Remastered Open Network Test Dates Revealed


If you’re as excited as we are about Dark Souls: Remastered heading to Switch, then today’s news is sure to warm your heart cockles. Bandai Namco and developer From Software announced today at the Tokyo Game Show they are running a Dark Souls: Remastered network test for the Switch. The test was initially scheduled to happen in tandem with PlayStation 4 and Xbox One earlier this year, but was delayed to improve the port.


The brilliant news was followed by a tweet on the dedicated Dark Souls Twitter handle providing details. Interested parties can get involved as soon as this weekend from September 21st to 23rd by downloading the dedicated client via the Nintendo eShop right now. Broken down into three four hour sessions for each region, the network test is primarily to stress test the servers so players should expect some more or less bothersome disruptions and connectivity hiccups.

Each region has been allocated different slots, which are as follows. The EU test runs from 7pm to 11pm CEST on each of the three days. Players in North and South American can dive in from 5pm to 9pm PT, while Japanese Switch owner get a 6pm to 10pm JST slot.


As for what will be playable, the Nintendo eShop states that the test puts players in the Undead Parish area with a selection of both multiplayer and single player game play on offer. Be warned, any progress or save data won’t carry over to the full release though. You’ll also need a Switch Online membership if you plan to play multiplayer.

As for the full blown release, remember to mark October 19th in your calendar as this is when Dark Souls: Remastered officially lands on Switch, including the Artorias of the Abyss DLC. On the same day, the three-pronged The Dark Souls Trilogy releases on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One comprised of Dark Souls: Remastered, Darks Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin, and Dark Souls III: The Fire Fades Edition.


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