Like a agent, I have helped 4 people to find a team.
I hope them to do well next year!
They are all talented and deserve good team.
Waiting for their news ♡♡♡— Olleh (@Olleh) November 22, 2017
昨日Olleh(Kim Joo-sung)才剛在Twitter發表替四個對友找到工作!粉絲們還在擔心歐雷這樣當『電競經紀人』自己反而「失業」!
不過各位不用擔心,我們Olleh怎麼會失業呢?根據外媒報導Olleh已經加入《 Team Liquid》跟Doublelift(Peng Yiliang)大師兄一起雙飛啦!而今日Olleh(Kim Joo-sung)又在FB粉專上發佈訊息,表示為前隊友們找到工作的賽區竟有『LMS』!準備來衝擊下一季的LMS賽區啦!
Like an agent, I've helped some players to join LMS / CBLOL. I can't say who they are.At least i can say They are all…
Posted by Joosung on Wednesday, November 22, 2017
不過究竟是加入LMS的哪些隊伍呢?有更多最新消息千萬不要錯過我們EXP.GG 英雄聯盟