近期任天堂遇上了「超巨大資訊量外流事件:Gigaleak (千兆洩漏)」,匿名用戶在 4Chan 論壇上公布了超級任天堂(SNES)與任天堂64(N64)遊戲,共技術十幾款遊戲經典遊戲的開發資料文件與代碼數據,你現在腦袋裡所想得到的《超級瑪莉賽車》、《耀西島物語》、《超級瑪麗N64》、《薩爾達傳說:時之笛》甚至傳聞中被取消的《薩爾達傳說2》重製版資料都大量在其中,近期非常火紅的《動物森友會》舊作也有資料在其中,讓所有玩家為之瘋狂!
這些數據裡面不僅包含玩家最後看到或是已經知道的相關資訊,甚至連被取消/修改過的遊戲內容、開發者日記、對話紀錄、開發日程都被一一揭露,雖然任天堂對此並沒有做出回應,但是知名數據挖掘者 Orcastraw 及 MrCheeze 都表示由於資料又多又完整,大大提升了可信度。「如果要造假就必須得從頭到尾設計這款遊戲,要製造上千份偽造文件,幾乎是不可能的」Orcastraw 解釋。
且《星際火狐》製作者 Dylan Cuthbert 還轉推相關內容表示,「近 30 年來我都沒再看過《星際火狐2》的開發工具,這些駭客到底是從哪挖出這些私密數據?」。結果樓有點歪,粉絲們全在底下狂問關於 Gigaleak 裡頭相關資訊的真相,不過他強調這意味著任天堂正受到前所未有知識財產權侵害。除此之外這些外流中似乎還有《星際火狐2》終止開發的內幕——沈迷於八卦。
Wtf – I haven’t seen this tool I made for StarFox 2 for almost 30 years, I wrote it in early c++ to teach myself the language more than anything else. Where the hell have hackers got all this obscure data from????!! https://t.co/9kN9UoQPMS
— Dylan?️?️?️Scrappers is OUT! (@dylancuthbert) July 24, 2020
Gigaleak 外流內容
原本被稱為《Super Donkey》的一款遊戲
I got meh some SUPA DUNKEEEH (Super Donkey prototype from the first gigaleak) pic.twitter.com/wY36TQDkdk
— Mae da Goof ? ?️⚧️ (BLM) (Pixel Art Comm. Open) (@doomsmae) July 29, 2020
Can’t tell if I like Beta Snakey Shuckle more or less than the final design. #shuckle #gigaleak pic.twitter.com/HolEVIYvWL
— Logan Messer (@DrunkShuckle) August 1, 2020
one of my fav #gigaleak finds – this WIP photograph art from Link's Awakening DX pic.twitter.com/KMlYXyufex
— rabidrodent (@rabidrodent) July 28, 2020
疑似是神遊機(iQue Player)
So i found this picture in the gigaleak. Nobody else seems to be talking about it. Did anyone else see this? pic.twitter.com/oqUp4OjWZB
— sloth brain (@Patrick32740263) July 28, 2020
Gigaleaks give me the highest quality render of chained kong/Guerilla from Super Mario Rpg pic.twitter.com/rrvbsHHM9b
— Jojjua? (@BombermanHero) July 31, 2020
beta yoshi glow-up #gigaleak #nintendoleak pic.twitter.com/wTFSpIdJCt
— Sean ~Drew~ Herko (@DoodleManDrew) July 29, 2020
The official Babey of the hour is Kid Kirby from the unreleased SNES game of the same name pic.twitter.com/14AoibDqRC
— Babey of the Day #AloneTogether ? (@BabeyoftheDay) July 31, 2020
Super Mario 64 Unseen Enemy Restored as Part of Recent Nintendo “Gigaleaks” https://t.co/dSE2lh7Qw8 https://t.co/wJ1HgogW3Z
— Gaming Epic (@gamingepic3) July 29, 2020
Nintendo Gigaleaks
This is maybe a SMB3 on SNES prototype? dunno but looks awesome!
.#gaming #games #pixel #videogame #digitalart #background #retrogaming #pixelart #retrogames #retrogamer #8bit #videogaming #pixels #retrogame #classicgames #classicgaming #8bitart #vint… pic.twitter.com/BqqajRkJgN— Pixel Scenery (@pixel_scenery) August 3, 2020
So in the files for the prototype of Yoshi's Island from the recent Gigaleaks, there was an unnamed baby wearing similar clothes to Kamek. He also uses magic, which is the entire reason Yoshi is able to transform in the first place. pic.twitter.com/AQSugZeBVG
— Joey (@Joey11374564) July 30, 2020
There's also sprites for a back variant, one from the final game and one from the gigaleak. I have no idea where this is used. pic.twitter.com/n9QgDTKwrx
— Joey (@Joey11374564) August 1, 2020
Via #NintendoLeaks, it appears that Mario was NOT the baby you rescued originally in ‘Yoshi’s Island’. Even the CG intro got far enough to not include Mario. pic.twitter.com/wZlidktbqa
— Nintendo Metro (@NintendoMetro) August 2, 2020
Via #Nintendoleaks, a building of unknown origin which appears to include Mario, Yoshi, Kirby and a… Toad smoking? pic.twitter.com/azfC3Fz6Vt
— Nintendo Metro (@NintendoMetro) July 30, 2020
Via #NintendoLeaks, unused assets for ‘Mario: Fun With Letters’ on the SNES. In the final “Hat” is just a hat. This unused version shows Luigi wearing a hat. In the PC version, they redid the asset entirely. pic.twitter.com/D1ceIAeI7G
— Nintendo Metro (@NintendoMetro) July 29, 2020
動森中從未出現過的 Cat13
Wow. Uh. Big discovery here? I found an unused villager in Animal Crossing! Say hello to CAT13! pic.twitter.com/GGrZmOKGmm
— TV | Dreamers Dev (@lombTV) July 27, 2020
This is an actual unused character graphic asset of Luigi giving the player the middle finger that found within the source files for Super Mario World dated 1989. pic.twitter.com/IsnZ3qTEvz
— OKD (@OKeijiDragon) July 24, 2020
SCRAPPED GEN 4 LEGEND pic.twitter.com/A1QNl9nOkb
— Kaitlyn Molinas (@orcastraw) July 26, 2020
oh holy fuck, ROOM1 pic.twitter.com/RK9dmbKxVS
— xdaniel@がんばらない (@xdanieldzd) July 25, 2020
GRANDPA YOSHI pic.twitter.com/Ar9SX58NUK
— Kapuccino ᗷᒪᗰ / ACAB (@nb_zeraora) July 24, 2020