製作團隊宣佈釋出賽季 5 新英雄 - 蘿芭的錯誤修正,此項錯誤更新檔最快在下週實裝於各個平台。
Don’t grab anything from the Loba-ltimate at the same time as your teammate…. from r/apexlegends
自蘿芭推出之後,說她是 Bug 最多的英雄也不為過,先前有 Reddit 用戶發現 hitbox 異常的問題(腰部 hitbox 過大);黑市在失落寶藏更新後,只要兩位玩家在黑市同時間拾取同一道具,也會強制退出遊戲,幸虧近期推出的重新連結功能,才使玩家免於遭遇前功盡棄的結果。
相關閱讀:《Apex 英雄》蘿芭玩不好不是我的錯!? Hitbox 與角色視線皆有問題
Me and my friend used this glitch to win a game (Sorry Respawn) from r/apexlegends
除了強制斷線的 Bug 以外,在蘿芭剛推出時,有人發現蘿芭可以將躍遷引擎傳送手環丟進玩家無法進入的區域,使她得以鑽入牆中取得不公平的優勢。
We are aware of Loba’s tactical not always being placed on Worlds Edge and we are currently testing a client side fix for it. For more info, @MonsterclipRSPN
has given some additional insight on the issue. https://t.co/gVMbnp2PDz— Apex Legends (@PlayApex) July 2, 2020
相關閱讀:《Apex 英雄》我們聽到了 但是沒有要 buff 邦加羅爾
We talked about turning Loba off in character select, but decided that players would rather have the option to play her than not. You might have challenges to complete or be working on a badge, etc.
And Kings Canyon is unaffected.
— Jason McCord (@MonsterclipRSPN) July 2, 2020
《Apex 英雄》製作人 Jason McCord 表示,團隊曾思考過是否要暫時將蘿芭關閉,不讓玩家選取,最後的結果則是聊勝於無,只是如果想要用蘿芭拼槌子或骷髏海的玩家就還是要等等了,因為你少別人一招戰術技能。
老話一句,依照重生工作室的慣例,更新檔將在下週二(7 月 7 日)發送至各個平台。