《Apex 英雄》日前被玩家發現邦加羅爾在特定情況下會使角色隱形,決定關閉兩個邦加羅爾的金色造型來阻止此錯誤影響遊戲體驗以及公平性。
We’ve currently disabled the Apex Overdrive and Killer B Bangalore skins as we work through a bug causing her to become temporarily invisible. We’ll turn them back on in a future patch once this doggone issue has been fixed.
— Apex Legends (@PlayApex) February 19, 2020
目前已停用邦加羅爾「Apex 超載」與「殺手B」(Apex 超載 異色版造型)兩個傳說級造型,因為選用這兩個造型會造成邦加羅爾暫時隱形,將會在未來錯誤修正後將這兩個造型加回來。
相關閱讀:《Apex 英雄》G7 斥侯真正 Nerf? 應該只是官方忘記修改了