Watch The Internet Get Creeped Out By Detective Pikachu’s Mr. Mime

Ever since the Detective Pikachu trailer dropped it has received widespread attention. The weird concept, realistic Pokémon style, and Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu have drawn out reactions from all over the world, and rightfully so. However, the one thing that has definitely stood out the most in the trailer is the creepiness of the Mr. Mime.

Mr. Mime has always been a weird Pokémon. However, when still in sprite or cartoon form he was not too bad to look at. Things really changed when he received his 3D sprite and became a fairy Pokémon. Now that the Detective Pikachu trailer has been released the rest of the worlds has finally caught on to how weird he exactly is.

Despite only appearing in the trailer for a short while there’s already been made some fanart of Mr. Mime to further point out how ridiculously creepy he appears.


Fortunately for Mr. Mime, there are also a whole bunch of people defending the Pokémon. It appears there is truly a Pokémon out there for anyone. Personally, I would run away very quickly if I’d encounter this Pokémon in a dark alley.

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