League Of Legends Off-Season Drama Starts Between Fnatic And G2

Although Worlds has only just finished, the off-season drama is already in full swing. Most of the off-season drama we get each year stems from players leaving an organization and writing up a manifesto on why said organization sucks. Sometimes it’s former teammates trash-talking each other. However, this year’s drama has already begun, stemming from a few simple Tweets.

After Fnatic’s devastating loss in the Worlds Finals against Invictus Gaming, Fnatic’s head coach Youngbuck posted the following message on Twitter.

Although some fans responded by stating that this was simply an excuse, this statement is not really the start of all the drama The real drama stems of Wunder’s response to the statements. The G2 top laner said the following.

Now to some fans, it might seem that this is an extremely disrespectful statement made by Wunder. However, it was actually Youngbuck that said this about G2 during an interview, following G2’s loss against IG. Youngbuck could’ve just ignored Wunder’s reaction and written it off as a joke or meme but his ego got the better of him. He escalated the entire situation by Tweeting back to Wunder with a pretty rude statement.

Obviously, such a statement should never be said by a head coach, especially one that’s part of such a respectable organization as Fnatic. Youngbuck is basically implying that G2 didn’t feel bad for losing on the Worlds stage while this is probably far from the truth. A few smiles while walking backstage does not at all mean that G2 was happy to lose the game.

Wunder did not try to de-escalate the situation either and responded by claiming that Fnatic’s players aren’t hungry to win either since they troll during scrims.

The juicy off-season drama did not stop there though as Sheepy, the head coach of former LCS organization Unicorns Of Love called out Youngbuck for the awful statement he made towards Wunder.

Luckily Ocelote, the CEO of G2, stayed quite reasonable and responded with a respectful statement saying that it would be best to stay respectful towards each other.

Hopefully, this marks the start of a new hate-fueled rivalry between the two teams and an off-season full of League of Legends drama and trash-talking.

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