With the release of Red Dead Redemption 2 inching ever closer, we thought it wise to divulge the latest information about the fateful launch day and everything that’s been detailed up to now. In reality, we’re just trying to pass the time before the game arrives. Eight long days to go.
When Again?
In less than 10 days on October 26th. It’s been sufficiently drilled into our heads by this point so you’ve got no excuse if you forget to get a copy next Friday. Red Dead Redemption 2
File Size
In keeping with increasingly prevalent industry norms, Red Dead Redemption 2 is one beefy slugger of a game, weighing in at an all together non negligeable 105 GB. That is 105 GB of free storage space required for installation of the physical copy (the installed game is a little lighter). If blessed with a fast as lightning broadband connection, then a digital purchase requires a 89.2 GB download for PlayStation 4, while Xbox One players fare only slightly better with a 88.56 GB download. Best leave your console on rest mode while at work. Digital pre-loading starts from tomorrow Friday October 19th October.
Double Down
As established, above Red Dead Redemption 2 is big. To deal with such a large file size Rockstar has allegedly opted to ship the game as a double disc package or so goes the leaked cover art from the Japanese edition of the game. The cover isn’t 100% certified so we advise a bit of caution before this is branded as gospel by the overworked souls over at Rockstar’s busy PR department. Given the game size, chances are two discs are viable. We’ll see.
No Read Dead Online
Rockstar are aiming for a repeat of Grand Theft Auto Online’s widespread and, let’s be real, lucrative appeal, with Red Dead Online. Sadly the multiplayer mode isn’t yet up to scratch and won’t be part of the game at launch. Rockstar are, however, running a see-if-you-can-break it beta in November. No specified date yet. All we know is that a copy of Red Dead Redemption 2 grants you access to Red Dead Online the same way GTA V does GTA Online. Simples.
Two Days & Twelve Hours
In a recent (controversial) interview with Vulture, Rockstar founder Dan Houser revealed players can look forward to more or less 60 hours of gameplay from Red Dead Redemption 2. In the same piece, Houser reveals the studio had to skim off some fat for qualitative reasons. He didn’t specify whether the 60 hours was a generous estimate, or a rush through the main quest type of deal. Given the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 is primed to be one hell of an immersive roller coaster, we imagine a lot more time will be spent in game simply enjoying the scenery, watching the local populace get up to no good as they go about they daily grind, and getting disproportionately obsessed with hunting and fishing.