RNG Defeat GEN.G To Maintain Perfect Record At Worlds

In an absolutely exhilarating match of League of Legends at Worlds 2018, RNG defeated GEN.G to maintain their perfect 2-0 record yesterday. What made the game one of the best matches so far? RNG’s top laner, “Letme,” almost singlehandedly brought his team the win with an insane Sion ultimate.

Most of the game was a delicate match of chess between these two highly skilled teams. At 34 minutes into the game, there was a total of less than 10 deaths between the two teams, indicating how well each team was able to fend off one another’s attacks. At that crucial minute in the game, things looked pretty even with both teams having taken three towers and GEN.G having a minor 2000 gold advantage.

Apparently, looks can be deceiving. The competitive stalemate went from 0-100 instantly as RNG’s toplaner, Letme, fired off a Sion ultimate from the middle of the map and somehow managed to perfectly “choo choo train”

smash directly into GEN.G’s bot lane carry “Ruler” behind their tier 1 tower! From there, RNG went on a rampage, killing off two members of GEN.G and destroying every tower in their path to the nexus.

RNG’s Letme transformed the close, competitive game to an instant win with that one perfectly clutch hit. If you haven’t seen this ridiculous play yet, please do yourself a favor, and check it out in the video below.

YouTube video

With their win, RNG continues to be undefeated at Worlds 2018. As a region, China has been completely dominating at this year’s event, with Invictus Gaming and Edward Gaming also having yet to suffer a single defeat. The LPL is currently sitting at a perfect 4 wins with no losses!


Featured Image Source: YouTube

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