NBA Jam Dota 2 Announcer Pack Will Really Be Happening With Your Vote

Something you didn’t know you needed for Dota 2 can become available with your help. The best announcer to ever grace the gaming industry, Tim Kitzrow, could be releasing an announcer pack for the game! Kitzrow, who famously did the announcing work for oldschool sports hits like NBA Jam, NFL Blitz, and MLB Slugfest, has released a demo video for an announcer pack for Dota 2. All it takes to make this awesome workshop item a reality is your votes!

Check out the super nostalgia-ful demo below.

YouTube video

As a big fan of NBA Jam, hearing some of these classic bits on Dota 2 sure does sound good.

“Ooo monster dunk!”


“He’s on fire!”

Though in all honesty, some of Kitzrow’s newest stuff might actually be the best. Hearing him say “lol gg that was pathetic” is pretty hilarious.

Again, in order to make this announcer pack happen, you need to vote on the official Steam page which you can find right here.

Tim Kitzrow is also doing his best to help get more people out to vote with a post on Twitter.

If you’ve got ideas for lines you think would be great to add to the pack, he’s open to suggestions. Anyone with some good ideas can message him directly on Twitter and maybe if you’re lucky, your suggestion might make the final cut!

If the “Dota Jam Pack” gets enough votes, it will become available this fall. Don’t wait fellow NBA Jam fans, vote now to make this epic announcer pack happen. BOOM SHAKALAKA!


Featured Image Source: YouTube

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