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抽獎箱賭博風波:EA 決定不在比利時出售FIFA 點數



還記得去年 9 月份,比利時博奕委員會(Belgian Gambling Commission)針對遊戲內的虛擬抽獎箱的事情鬧得遊戲們不是暫時下架,就是直接要刪掉相關「賭博」的項目嗎?

當時《FIFA 19》亦受到預審調查,而 EA 的執行長 Andrew Wilson 公開表示不認同 FIFA Ultimate Team包或戰利品箱是賭博行為之說法。近日,EA 網站發布一則貼文說明:經過與比利時當局討論後,我們決定要由1月31日起停止為比利時地區的銷售提供 FIFA 點數

After further discussions with the Belgian authorities, we have decided to stop offering FIFA Points for sale in Belgium.  We’re working to make these changes effective in our FIFA console and PC games by January 31, 2019.  This means that players in Belgium will not be able to purchase points to obtain FIFA Ultimate Team packs.  Players still can access Ultimate Team and play with their existing players.  All content in the game can be earned through gameplay, as has always been the case, and players can continue to use coins and the in-game transfer market.  Any players in Belgium that have existing FIFA Points in their accounts can continue to use them, but they will not be able to purchase more.  We apologize to our players in Belgium for any inconvenience caused by this change.


EA 對旗下作品亦作出聲明:

我們希望在帶選擇性、公平、價值與樂趣給予玩家。為玩家提供遊戲方式的選擇外,亦於遊戲中加入概率性的包裝,讓玩家能夠做出明智的選擇。我們採取不在比利時出售 FIFA 點數,這一項改變並不會影響我們的財務表現;同時,我們並不同意比利時當局對法律的詮釋,在這方面我們在尋求更加清晰的說法。

We seek to bring choice, fairness, value and fun to our players in all our games.  In addition to providing players options in how they play, we include pack probabilities in our games for the transparency players want to make informed content choices.  While we are taking this action, we do not agree with Belgian authorities’ interpretation of the law, and we will continue to seek more clarity on the matter as we go forward. The impact of this change to FIFA Ultimate Team in Belgium is not material to our financial performance.

如果暫停銷售 FIFA 點數亦即代表不可以用點數獲得 Ultimate Team 包,玩存的 Ultimate Team 選手們仍可被使用,只是玩家日後需要透過遊玩遊戲獲得更多選手角色。而遊戲代幣與遊戲內交易市場則不受影響仍會維持運作;亦可以繼續使用帳號中現存的點數。



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