《魔物獵人》紳士獵人的你必須看 這 Coser 身材太犯規

隨著最近 Capcom 公布《魔物獵人:世界》將在明年秋天迎來大型 DLC 更新,各位獵(ㄕㄣ)人(ㄕˋ)們想必都很期待能見到高清版的迅龍吧,當初在 PSP 上模糊的迅龍裝已經滿足不了現代玩家了。迅龍裝與麒麟裝作為廣大男性獵人們喜愛的套裝,在早年只存在小小的 PSP 畫面與 720P 之中,如今到了《高清獵人:世界》卻只有麒麟裝再度回到玩家們的視野之中,肯定是有點可惜,所以小編就為各位玩家們帶來超 OP 的 COSER 讓大家回憶迅龍裝的威力。


她不僅有迅龍裝的 COSPLAY ,也有大家喜愛的麒麟裝

古人說的好 橫看成嶺側成峰


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


Finally shooting this KIRIN on monday as my friend alex only have time on monday. This was the first full costest last week of this costume and already a lot of things i have changed and added a few more details as editing/adjusting always happens once the original costume design is finished. Ill just show it all on tuesday or monday after the shoot. For now…goodnight 🙂 #monsterhunterworld. Wig styled by me, costume and props made by myself as well as the makeup. #monsterhunter #kirin#kirincosplay#kadachi #tobikadachi #flyingkadachi#sexycosplay#r4r#l4l#art#happy #cosplay #capcom goodnight from germany I just just wanna say thank you THANK YOU to my patrons. I know i sound like a broken record but without u. I probably can only do 1 project a year. Thank u for understanding about the crafting focus lately. Ill make it all up to u promise. Its just that im on crunch atm ??? love u my angels.

N A M I(@the_fantastic_nami)分享的貼文 於 張貼

當然也有其他遊戲與動漫的 COS


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


Busy day today so send me goodvibes. Good afternoon guys 🙂 #maishiranui #mai#kingoffighters #queensblade#cosplay#sexycosplay#otaku#gamergirl #fashion#makeup#l4l#r4r #kof

N A M I(@the_fantastic_nami)分享的貼文 於 張貼


現在小編才要說 NSFW 是不是有點來不及了…,總之希望各位不是大搖大擺的在上班看或是在捷運上看,如果是的話 … 請你保重。

這位 COSER 的身材實在是相當的好,好多孩子看了都把持不住,IG 的傳送門也不需要附了,各位直接點這篇文中的貼文進去就是另一片新天地,也希望各位同胞別砍太多樹。


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