Categories: Fortnite News

Wreck-It Ralph Appears In Fortnite


Something weird is going down in Fortnite. Earlier today, players reportedly started seeing Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph character appear on the drive-in movie screen at Risky Reels!

As IGN reports, the bizarre appearance of Ralph was supposedly first discovered by Twitch streamer Mozzzyy. Here’s a clip of the moment where Mozzzyy unexpectedly catches Ralph’s brief appearance on the movie screen.


The Reddit thread on the find has blown up today racking up over 10,000 upvotes and leading many players to speculate whether or not Ralph’s inclusion in the game is limited only to this short cameo.

Redditor sigh_bapanada wished it could be a hint towards a Thanos LTM-esque rerun with Thanos simply being replaced by Ralph.

Considering that Disney owns Marvel and Thanos is a Marvel character, in theory it wouldn’t be the first time the company partnered with Fortnite. Who knows? Maybe this could be our first hint towards a Wreck-It Ralph

crossover event?

If you think the idea is a bit too far-fetched, you’re not alone. Other fans simply saw Ralph’s appearance as merely an Easter egg nod to the movie due to the fact Fortnite is apparently mentioned in Wreck-It Ralph 2.

At the moment, there hasn’t been any information or official word from Epic Games regarding Wreck-It Ralph’s sudden appearance. Hopefully it’s more than just a small cameo – it would be great to have a unique crossover event with the character!

If Epic Games does make a statement on this, we’ll be sure to update you. Until then, stay tuned!


Featured Image Source: Engadget


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