Categories: PS4

Social Club: 3 interesting things they don’t want you to find out in Red Dead Redemption 2


You can furthur extend your experience with Red Dead Redemption 2 as a member when you join Social Club. You can review your progress, find out more information about the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 with the Compendium and become a part of the Rockstar Games community.

Let’s join Rockstar Games Social Club and synch with your games to enjoy Red Dead Redemption 2 và Red Dead Online (coming soon) to the fullest. you can register it in-game or at the official website of Social Club.

1. Wheeler & Rawson

Do you need a new hat, railway provider or more bullets for your armory? Wheeler & Rawson will help you. You can visit the nearest Gunsmith or General Store to see portfolios of the game, or visit online portfolios for purchasing.


Best price and quality guaranteed, Wheeler and Rawson portfolio will be the one stop shop for you to prepare everything you need to survive.

Access Wheeler and Rawson portfolio anywhere through Social Club website or Companion application. You can take a look when you have time to spare and buy items with in-game currency. Everything you have purchased will be displayed when you log in the game.

Stocks, clothes, dried food or fresh food. Make sure to prepare the best items for the next adventure!

Pretty much like weapon need ammo, you can use these tonics to revitalize and always ready for anything to come.

2. Character improvement progress

Once you connect with  Rockstar Games Social Club account, you can quickly access and keep track of your story, including the solved challenges or anything you have progressed before.


The image shows your progess in the game in the meantime.
You can find these onformation in game or when you go online at Social Club.

Keep track of the status of any characters you are playing.

Review challenges and the stages you have passed.

As you continue to discover the world around, everything about plants, animals, gangs… you have encountered or items you have collected will be shown in the Compendium.

3. Arthur’s Camera

You can use Arthur’s camera to capture images and share directly with Social Club community. You can also post every pictures you have to Social Club library, or any awesome images so that everyone can see. In addition to that, you can also view, comment and rate pictures from other members of Social Club, by visiting pictures library of Social Club.

After you meet the cameraman Theodore Levin in a pub on Valentine day, you will have a new camera to capture your story.

From portrait images to beautiful background images, you can capture the leisure of fishing over the river, share your images with your friends and comminity in Social Club.

Visit Social Club right now to not miss these awesome features! Moreover, you can see additional info about storyline and gameplay of Red Dead Redemption 2 on

Tags: Featured Post EN Red Dead Redemption

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