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Blizzard Announces ‘Warcraft 3: Reforged’ Remake For 2019


BlizzCon is the gift that keeps on giving with Blizzard announcing not simply a remaster, but a complete remake of the seminal RTS title Warcraft 3. The unveiling of Warcraft 3: Reforged was channeled through three suitably excitement-fueling trailers, including a cinematic trailer, a game play trailer, and The Culling single player campaign trailer.



The news corroborates long running rumors of a remaster and will please fans of what is seen as a franchise defining game. With a planned 2019 release, the remake is touted as ‘a complete reimagining of a real-time strategy classic’ with extensive changes that are sure to divide fans of the original, for better or for worse.

Chiefly, the remake includes entirely rebuilt visuals with brand new models for heroes, units, buildings, and environment assets for a true 4K resolution experience. Graphics have been injected with modern rendering techniques and the trailer hints at a stunning overhaul.

Secondly, Warcraft 3: Reforged includes all 62 single player missions from the original telling the tale of the origins of the Warcraft saga as well as acclaimed Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne expansions. Players will travel to Kalimdor, Lordaeron, and Northrend for over 40 hours of game play and four hours of updated in-game cinematic cut scenes. All of the heroes, villains, and four races from the original return.


The multiplayer facet of Warcraft 3 also gets some love with modern matchmaking, lobbies, and a fresh UI. Race specific units, heroes, and buildings are getting hundreds of balance tweaks for a more complete multiplayer experience. The renowned Warcraft 3 modding scene isn’t being left out either with the return of World Editor editing tool, and a plethora of player-created modes including MOBAs, ARPGs, tower defense, and more.

Warcraft 3: Reforged is already up for pre-order and if you nab the Spoils of War edition, you’ll unlock special rewards in other Blizzard games including a meat wagon for WoW, a Hearthstone Card, and four Warcraft-themed heroes for Heroes of the Storm. More goodies are on their way as well specifically for the Starcraft and Diablo franchises.

Blizzard have clearly seen the merit of giving in to player demand for remasters of classics from their rich back catalogue as exemplified by the imminent arrival of World of War Classic. We’re simply glad they’ve decided Warcraft 3 deserves the same treatment.


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