Categories: Esports League of Legends News

All-Star Votes Have Been Locked In For All Major Regions


Worlds might still be in full swing but the players who will attend the all-stars event are already locked in. The event is a bit different this year as only 2 players of each region will partake in the all-star event instead of the usual 5 per region.

For the NA LCS, Doublelift and Sneaky received the most votes and will thus attend the event. Doublelift and Sneaky are both fan-favorite players so it’s not really surprising to see them receive the most votes. However, what’s quite incidental is that they both received exactly 16.7% of the votes with neither of them being the clear favorite. This also means that NA will send two AD carries although this will most likely not really matter for the event.


Caps and Rekkles won the votes for the EU LCS which is not really surprising either considering that Fnatic members often receive the most votes. Caps is the clear winner with 24.6% of the votes whereas Rekkles received 17.7%. However, Rekkles had asked his fans not to vote for him as he wanted to give other players a chance to go and he has thus declined his invitation to the all-star event which will instead go to Broxah who came in 3rd with 11% of the votes. It’s quite neat of Rekkles to give other players a shot at attending the event which ones again shows his class as a player.


From Korea, we will once again see Faker attend the event which is actually quite nice as we haven’t seen him at an international event this year. Normally he shows up at every Worlds as the final boss but since SKT T1 wasn’t as strong this year he sadly didn’t make it. The other LCK player is Bang which is absolutely fantastic as he said that he would do a Xayah and Rakan cosplay with Sneaky if Sneaky agreed to it. That would obviously be the best thing ever so lets hope that Sneaky agrees.

Unsurprisingly, Uzi is the most voted on player from the LPL. This is probably a result that everyone saw coming considering his popularity both in China as well as internationally. MLXG is the player with the second highest amount of votes and also a member of the LPL’s strongest team RNG just like Uzi. The results are really not that surprising.

Although all votes have been locked in already the event is still more than a month away. The all-star event will take place from December 6 until December 8 in the Las Vegas esports arena.


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