Categories: Esports League of Legends News

G2 Makes It To Quarterfinals For The First Time In History


After a thrilling and exciting day of League of Legends, G2 has managed to make their way into the quarterfinals for the first time in the history of the organization. Despite being a team that has consistently made Worlds since their debut in the EU LCS, they have never before made it this far on the Worlds stage.

Despite making it out of groups, today was far from clean for the European third seed team. They only made their way out through a tiebreaker match against the LMS’ Flash Wolves. Besides the tiebreaker, G2’s only win today was against Phong Vũ Buffalo which is the team that managed to beat Flash Wolves to even make this tiebreaker possible. Without the upset from the Vietnamese G2 would have been eliminated from the tournament.


For the tiebreaker game, G2 gained a lot of comfort picks. Hjarnan was once against on his undefeated Heimerdinger while Wunder was on Aatrox and Perkz was on Irelia which are both picks that the players excel on. G2 quickly managed to get ahead during the game despite Flash Wolves effort of managing the Heimerdinger with another unique bot lane pick in the form of Mordekaiser. Once G2 got the lead they never let go of it even though that is something they normally tend to do.


Although the team has made it out groups for the very first time, they have a lot to work on before their quarterfinals match. G2 consistently looks very strong and builds up leads for themselves, however, they also consistently throw games due to small individual mistakes. Earlier today G2 had a lead against Afreeca Freecs which they threw away after Wunder walked straight into the enemy that was hidden in a dark part of the jungle. Perkz also had a questionable teleport cancel which cost them the game against Flash Wolves earlier today as well. This is not something they can do against teams like RNG and KT Rolster who punish the smallest mistakes with game-ending pushes.

After today’s games, it’s safe to say that Worlds 2018 is probably one of the most exciting renditions we have had in recent years. Western teams finally seem to be playing their own style rather than copying what the Koreans do which turns out to work extremely well as two Western teams have already made it to quarters. Hopefully, the next two days will be just as exciting as the last two days have been. Tomorrow group C will play out between KT Rolster, EDG, Team Liquid, and Mad Team.


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