《決勝時刻 : 黑色行動4》玩家們利用表情系統可以得到更多視角!?

前日剛上市的《決勝時刻 : 黑色行動4》獲得廣大迴響,直播平台 Twitch 在線觀眾高達30萬,近期多名玩家發現遊戲內的表情系統可以獲得第三人稱視角的優勢,這造成視覺上的不公平。


在《決勝時刻 : 黑色行動4》遊戲中,使用表情時會將視野往後拉向第三人稱,可以短暫取得比第一人稱視角更多的視野,這能夠使玩家蹲在角落利用此表情系統看見障礙物內的情報,更嚴重的是,使用快速蹲伏表情並不會恢復到第一人稱,可以持續讓玩家利用第三人稱的視野看見更多畫面。對於第一人稱的遊戲而言,這個優勢是可以理解的,但對於競技來說是否算是作弊是一個需要討論的難題,但普遍來說,這確實是作弊,很難否認。

慶幸的是,遊戲公司 Treyarch 已經發現了這個問題,並在 Reddit 上發出聲明:

‘We’re aware that players have been able to use Gestures (often referred to by the community as “Emotes”) to peek around corners in modes where that can create an unfair advantage. We’re currently working on an update that creates two systems for Gestures – the default system that is in the game now, and a competitive version that disables free look and applies different camera settings to prevent using it to see around corners. The default system will be used in parts of the game where corner peeking won’t affect gameplay balance (like the staging area of Blackout), and the competitive version will be used in modes where a more restrictive camera system is needed. We want players to always have fun with Gestures as intended, but never at the expense of fair gameplay!’




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