Categories: News PS4

Gearbox Announces Borderlands 2 VR For The PlayStation VR


While everyone is still waiting for a third installment into the beloved Borderlands franchise, Gearbox is giving us an opportunity to dive deeper into Pandora than ever before with the announcement of Borderlands 2 VR.

The game was just announced on the PlayStation blog and while it won’t be a completely new adventure that a third game might bring, it’s certainly much more than simply replaying the game through a VR headset. Gearbox states that they have done a ton of research on how to improve the game for VR as they want players to truly experience what living as a vault hunter would be like.


The most important and most interesting new feature that will be part of the game is called “BAMF Time” or “BadAss Mega Fun Time” according to them, although I think we all know what it really stands for. BAMF Time will essentially be the developers take on bullet time which means that, once activated, you will be able to dodge bullets, kill groups of enemies in an instant, or just generally be a badass.

BAMF Time will also impact the original vault hunters that will return for the game as their skill trees have now been modified for BAMF Time meaning that some skills can give you extra skills or interactions once you activate bullet time. Besides the new BAMF skills, some other skills have also been reworked such as Maya’s “Res” ability. This is because Borderlands 2 VR will be a single-player experience and thus multiplayer skills would be kind of useless.


Something else that has been changed is that you will drive vehicles in first-person now. This is quite a logical change as steering vehicles in third-person would be quite an unnatural feeling when playing in VR. What’s interesting though is that you will have to drive with the controls while aiming the guns with your VR headset. This means that while driving you will often be looking in a different direction ensuring that chaos will ensue.

Borderlands 2 VR will come out on the PS VR on December 14, right in time to kick some ass during the Holidays.


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