Categories: Fortnite News

Fortnite Makes $300 Million In Revenue On iOS In Only 200 Days


The Fortnite craze is a long way from slowing down as is once again proven by a new report from SensorTower in which they state that the popular game has already surpassed $300 million in revenue on iOS. Fortnite has surpassed this number in a mere 200 days since its launch on March 15, 2018. While this is astonishingly fast, it is not the game that has surpassed the $300 million mark the fastest as that award goes to Pokémon Go that surpassed the milestone in only 113 days after launch.


Despite not passing $300 million dollars in revenue the fastest, it’s still mightily impressive to do it only in 200 days and Pokémon Go is not really a competitor of Fortnite anyway. Games that do compete more closely with Fortnite, however, are still trailing behind immensely and the gap is continuously widening. Fortnite biggest rival in the realm of battle royale games is most likely still PUBG and, on iOS devices, they are nowhere near the same amount of revenue that Fortnite has made. 173 days after launch, PUBG’s iOS app has only made $47 million dollars in revenue so far.

Since PUBG is not doing spectacularly on iOS,  SensorTower compared bigger iOS battle royale games to Fortnite to see how they would stack up. These games are Clash Royale, Honor of Kings, and Knives Out. However, according to the graph, only Clash Royale came somewhat close to the $300 million in their first 200 days as Clash Royale made a total of $228 million.


The report also highlights some other interesting tidbits about the unstoppable royale game. According to the report, a whopping 65% of the $300 million dollars of revenue came from spending in the United States alone. This means that US players have spent a total of $195 million dollars on Fortnite for the iOS while the rest of the world combined makes up for the other 35%.

Another interesting fact is that the app made a total of $20 million dollars in one week following the arrival of season 6 within the game. This indicates that the arrival of an in-game season is both important for the players, as well as for the revenue that Epic Games will generate.

We must also not forget that the iOS transactions are only one source of income for Epic Games and that the game is also Android, PC, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One. This means that Epic Games’ total revenue is probably way higher than we can even imagine. This battle royale game really does seem unstoppable.


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