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Rockstar Unveils Red Dead Redemption 2 Frontier Locations


Following on from the massive character roll call earlier this month, Rockstar sheds light on the locales of Red Dead Redemption 2 in a new feature on its web site dubbed ‘The Frontier, Cities & Towns’.

A quick glance confirms they’ll be no lack of unique Frontier locations and areas to explore, with each seemingly very different to the next, all testifying to Rockstar’s aim to create a sprawling, detailed and more importantly convincing open-world in which to ride, thieve, and murder. In the feature, Rockstar provides useful little blurbs about each location ranging ‘from the forests of West Elizabeth to the mountains of Ambarino to the plains of New Hanover to the swamps of Lemoyne’ and appropriate postcard vignette screenshots.


First up, we have Valentine, The Heartlands, NH, a vibrant town attracting a rich tapestry of wanderers and hustlers all intent on making a quick buck and enjoying themselves.

Annesburg, Roanoke Ridge, NH comes next. An old mining settlement where life is a dispensable commodity and living conditions are far from ideal.

Saint Denis, Bayou Nwa, LE is a city well and true alive thanks its role as a crucial trading hub and entry point into North America. People from all walks of life gather here for better or for worse.


Mount Hagen, Grizzlies, AM is a snow-capped mountain pass that acts as an access point to various other areas.

Rhodes, Scarlett Meadows, LE is a seemingly tranquil town, but looming under the surface is a long-running feud between two of the most powerful farming families in the area.

Nestled deep in the forest, Strawberry, Big Valley, WE is a logging station where the forces of modernity and tradition battle it out as a newcomer hopes to turn the settlement into a bustling culture hub.

Tucked away in the swamp of Bayou Nwa, LE is Lagras a self-sufficient outpost where the ways of old still guide daily life, and its inhabitants act as guides through the surrounding muddy waterways.

Sadly, we’ve yet to get a glimpse of the whole map itself, so although insight into these Red Dead Redemption 2 locations is welcome, their role in the wider implications of the game remain a mystery.


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