Categories: Fortnite News

Port-a-Fortress Grenade Heading To Fortnite Soon


Fortnite’s next item is a rather unusual grenade, one that conjures up a defensive fortress out of thin air. Suitably named Port-a-Fortress, the item is expected to drop very soon, more than likely as part of this week’s patch.

The Port-a-Fortress was revealed in Fortnite’s in-game news feed and looks to dwarf its brotherly namesake the epic tier Port-a-Fort, a single panel tower present in the BR title since April of this year. The Fortress is a much larger structure, almost castle-like, meaning multiple squad members should be able to shield from errant gunfire within its fortified walls. Going by the art, Port-a-Fortress will spawn as a much rarer legendary item and is three panels wide at the base of the structure, with 5 tiles further up with protruding towers.


We imagine the Fortress is made of metal, similarly to the Fort, and throwing the grenade immediately deploys the structure, but walls will take a certain amount of time to fill in though slightly faster than if you were building normally from scavenged wood and metal in Fortnite

. This means, there’s a chance opponents can down the Fortress before it’s completed.

As for game changing implications, the Port-a-Fort doesn’t change all that much and we are guessing the Fortress will follow suit. Although it could prove useful to beginners who’ve yet to master the intricacies of speed building to get themselves out of tricky situations or in mass squad event modes like 50 vs 50. Otherwise, more experienced players may use it to set up a secure build in the closing minutes of a match as the storm shrinks. In any case, the legendary tier status seriously hampers how often the item will pop up in games.

Fortnite Season 6 is rumored to start any time soon or so the whole purple cube malarkey seems to suggest. The Port-a-Fortress may very well be the last addition before the big switch up.


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