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7 Perfect Games If You’re Strapped For Time


Got a demanding job or a trio of boisterous children, but desperately need to unwind with a sure fire gaming session? Fret not, here are seven games that won’t cost you an arm and a leg in time, yet will more than adequately scratch that gaming itch.

Limbo & Inside

Developer Playdead’s gloomy puzzle-platformer duo, Limbo and Inside, are synonyms for short and extremely enjoyable. Each can be completed in just shy of three hours and a half, and hell are they an experience to behold. Intense yet sweet, dark yet hopeful, they have it all and produce a very singular emotion of having veritably escaped to a different world. Inside is particular is a real trip leading to a rather unsavory, but thought provoking culmination.

Burly Men At Sea

Burly Men At Sea is best consumed in one sitting. Aesthetic, atmospheric, and very wholesome, it tracks the voyage at sea of a trio of bearded fishermen. Each play-through should take no more than 20 minutes, but depending on the decisions made, you’ll get an entirely different story line. This one is particularly suited to late night sessions just before bed. It will chill you out to no end just in time to fall effortlessly to sleep.

BioShock Infinite

BioShock Infinite can quite easily be completed in under 10 hours. You’ll have to forego some recommended sightseeing, rampage through enemies like your dinner’s going cold, and avoid staring in awe at Columbia’s gorgeous vistas though. Who’s to say a triple A has to be gruelling 50 hour ordeal? Definitely not BioShock Infinite. On top of satisfying game play, the story is great and the ending borders on the philosophical in its grandiosity.

The Banner Saga

Each of the three Banner Saga entries is well worth your time regardless of how long they are. But in the context of today’s rules, they can be completed in just under 8 hours. The story is compelling and dark, the game play entrancing as you navigate between turn-by-turn tactical fights and leading a caravan of hungry vikings through a land desolated by war. We recommend completing it in hour long installment throughout a week.



Firewatch is among the best indie games ever developed. The 6 hours of gameplay are brimming with emotion, story, and endearing characters. It doesn’t take a beast to run either and still looks absolutely amazing, no wonder you get an in-game disposable camera to have a go at amateur photography. If your looking for a cerebral game with twists and turns, Firewatch is the one.


Journey is one of those games that every gamer needs to experience at least once. Its short at two hours, yet overflows with atmosphere. At times you’ll find yourself marveling at this piece of art, unsure whether the beauty your seeing is being imagined or is in fact manifesting itself on a screen in front of you. The self-guided gameplay and relative freedom accorded are ideal if you want a game that doesn’t lead you by the hand. To be enjoyed time and time again.

Little Big Planet 3

Unless you’ve got the dexterity and hand-eye coordination of clumsy four-year old then Little Big Planet 3 is ideal for the time conscious gamer. Completed in a couple of hours, the puzzles are difficult enough to be challenging, but straightforward enough not to feel frustrating. The story is cute as well and may be the perfect game to play with the kids. In addition, the community aspect means you’ll have access to an infinite number of quality creations. By definition these player made levels are short and snappy so ideal for short sessions as well.


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