Categories: EXP Original

7 Best Fan-Made Pokémon Games


Pokémon is one of the longest-running franchises in gaming. Fans of the games are always eagerly waiting for the next release in the series, which often brings about tons of new Pokémon and an entirely new region to explore. However, the wait can sometimes be a bit too long leaving you with an unsatisfiable urge for new Pokémon games. Luckily, some fans of the franchise have such a burning desire to play new Pokémon games that they have created their own weird and wonderful Pokémon fan games. Here are some of the best fan games (available for PC and Mobile via emulators) to try out while waiting for the next big Pokémon release.

Pokémon Insurgence

Starting off the list is probably the most popular fan game out there. The game features a brand new story, region, character, mega evolutions and much more. It’s basically the ultimate fan service for any Pokémon fans. The story is also a lot darker and more serious compared to the usual child-friendly storylines that we can expect from Pokémon games. The story takes place in the region of Torren, that is completely overrun by cultists. It’s ultimately up to you to step up and become the hero that saves the region. This game is an absolute must-play for any Pokémon fan with an ounce of self-respect. Do not pass up this wonderful experience.


Pokémon Ash Gray

This game will 100% give you nostalgic feelings of your childhood. Instead of having an original storyline, the game closely follows the adventures of Ash in the first anime series. You will be playing as your childhood hero and the game includes many iconic moments from one of the most recognizable shows to ever land on television. You will have to save your Pikachu from the nasty Spearow, come across the Squirtle squad and save your Charmander from the rain. This game is for anybody with fond memories of the first season of the anime.

Pokémon Glazed

Pokémon Glazed is an astonishingly enormous game. It’s an enormous project and has the trainer start his journey in an entirely new continent that’s called Tunod. It features two completely new regions as well as the Jotho region that you will be able to explore. The game features Pokémon from the fourth up until the sixth generation and provides you with an interesting selection of starter Pokémon. Throughout the game, you will meet interesting new characters as well as old ones from original Pokémon games. The game sometimes tries to be a bit edgy but despite this, it’s one of the best fanmade games currently out there.

Pokémon Phoenix Rising

Phoenix Rising is one of the newest fanmade Pokémon games but has been very well-received by the community so far. The game was made in RPG maker and ultimately tries to bring more RPG elements to the Pokémon game. You will go through an episodic story in a new region called Hawthorne. The first episode of the game is out already, although the wait for the second one could be quite long. So far no release date has been announced. Unless you really want to play a Pokémon RPG, you might want to put this one off until further episodes are released.


Pokémon Reborn

Although the story is lacking compared to some other fan games on this list, Pokémon Reborn is basically the Dark Souls for Pokémon. The game is incredibly difficult and punishes any mistake or misstep that you make. If you thought that the Dark Souls formula could never be applied to a franchise as accessible as Pokémon you were severely wrong. If you’re not that into challenging games I wouldn’t recommend it though as the story and backtracking that’s present in the game won’t be able to hold your attention for too long. This game is purely for Pokémon fans that want to challenge themselves.

Pokémon Uranium

Not having this game on the list would be a travesty. Pokémon Uranium took a grand total of 9 years to make and is probably one of the best fan games out there. So good even, that Nintendo had sent multiple DMCA letters to the developers forcing them to shut down production of the game. Despite this, you will still be able to find and download the game online as other Pokémon fans picked up the game in order to continue development. Be sure to not miss this game as it’s probably one of the most complete Pokémon experiences you will ever receive.

Pokémon 3D

Pokémon 3D is an exact copy of the Gold and Silver games, except that everything is in 3D. Although not many changes were made to the core game itself, playing a Pokémon game in full 3D is so incredibly fun that we recommend anybody to try this out. The game looks a bit Minecraft like as the graphics are still similar to the ones of the original Gold and Silver release but that doesn’t stop the game from being a joy to play. The developers are still fixing some bugs and adding missing content but it’s basically a complete experience.




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