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Explore The Seas In ‘Blue Planet’ Collab ‘Beyond Blue’


E-Line Media, creator of the award-winning Never Alone educational puzzler is working on a brand new ocean exploration game inspired by the stunning BBC documentary Blue Planet 2, titled Beyond Blue.

Never Alone shone by the unique approach taken during development. Consulting and collaborating with native Alaskan Iñupiat groups, the puzzle platformer is heavily inspired by tales passed on from generation to generation. The game offered a thrilling narrative swaying between action packed sequences and subtle sentimental vignettes of a rich culture.


E-Line Media is taking very much the same path with Beyond Blue and consulting in tandem with the producers behind the famed documentary series and world class oceanographers. They hope to create an experience that sheds light on the untold secrets of the oceans that cover most of planet earth, the ‘last uncharted frontier’.

Taking place in an unspecified near future, Beyond Blue sees players take control of lead character Mirai. A freshly appointed boss of a new research expedition, she has at her disposal an arsenal of tools and technology that outshine anything currently available in the real world. These are designed to capture the oceans and the many creatures that live within them in until now untold ways.


The game will hone in on a sense of enchantment through a captivating story arc as well as a strategy-based gameplay loop that E-Line describes as ‘high level resource management, challenging the player to make high-stakes decisions and prioritize which objectives can be successfully achieved during the crew’s expedition’.

As with Never Alone, where special videos provided added context to Alaskan native life, Beyond Blue will allow players to unlock never before seen Blue Planet 2 footage and access informative expert lectures on ocean subjects linked to in-game discoveries.

Beyond Blue has marked early 2019 for release and launches on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. For more details and screenshots, visit the dedicated Beyond Blue site and the game’s steam page.

Considering how unique Never Alone is, there’s high hopes that Beyond Blue will follow suit. Given the impending disaster threatening our oceans, the game serves a double purpose as both entertainment and much needed education. Check out the teaser trailer below.


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