Categories: 新聞專區 英雄聯盟

AI 技術再進一步,Riot 機器人爬到鑽石?!


今(27)日,Reddit 上熱議 Riot 的深度學習人工智慧「dAImondBot」在爬上積分牌位鑽石後一場遊戲結束,便執行了刪除自己的程序 … 嗎?事實上並不是如此,深度來看看這個釋出的帖子的話,就會發現這實則褒揚機器人,但事實上劍指所有惡意霸凌言行的黑色笑話。


\> analyzing playerdata. Best champion choice found. Setting DIANA as preferred JUNGLE champion.

\> ERROR: DIANA banned by allied team. Re-calibrating. Choosing GRAGAS.

\> ERROR: GRAGAS banned by allied team. Issuing plaintive string: [hello, friendly team! Who should I play, then?]

\> Logging player misconduct: swearing. Choosing REKSAI despite composition incompatibility…


\> Initializing game… choosing best starting items for REKSAI jungle… WARNING! An allied player has disconnected. Team morale indicated to be at 33% of optimal levels.

\> Issue positive string: [Let’s do our best, anyways!]

一開始,dAImondBot 就在選角碰上了困難,想選的黛安娜被人 Ban 掉了 … 結果剛進入遊戲,又有隊友跳 game?dAImondBot 還是持續鼓勵隊友:「讓我們一起打出最好的表現吧!」


\> WARNING! Top laner has died three times to enemy top laner.

\> Hypotheticals indicate if I was playing an AP JUNGLER these deaths could have been prevented.


\> ERROR! ERROR! ERROR! CRITICISM OVERLOAD. CS levels behind improbable standards set by team, gank quota failed, impatience overflow. ERROR! ERROR!

\> Jesus Christ. This top laner is linking his stream. Analyzing stream. 5 viewers, poor quality webcam in shanty.

\> Beginning surrender protocol. Three votes needed for fifteen minute surrender.

\> Vote failed. Now observing frail human emotion called HOPE and adding necessary preventative measures.

\> Mid laner just died to krugs and blamed me for killing them earlier, thus allowing them to level up. ???

\> Deleting self. The only winning move was not to play.

「假設我現在玩的是 AP JG 角,這些死亡次數都可以被避免。」


Riot 最後補述,dAImondBot 爬上鑽石後就自行刪除程序,只會出現在阿福模式,期望可以修正遊戲風氣 … 感覺最後出現了淡淡的哀傷感呢 :”(





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