《電馭叛客 2077》可以說是 2020 下半年玩家最期待的遊戲沒有之一,隨著多次遊戲上市的延後,其開發商CD Projekt RED 也公佈越來越多關於遊戲內的資訊,除了許多《巫師》彩蛋之外遊戲中的性別多元友善選項也曾引起熱烈討論,不久之前澳洲 Kotaku 試玩報告甚至還透露,客製化的部分有刺青、牙齒、髮型等,甚至連體毛及生殖器的樣子都有多種樣式提供選擇
近日官方在推特上公布了關於主角「V」的更多造形設定,玩家在遊戲開始時便可以選擇三種不同出身:Nomad、Street Kid 及 Corpo,這些設定除了會有不同的任務以及與其他派系的互動之外還有不同的外觀造型
Nomad 的中文翻譯為「遊牧」依照官方的解說這些人漫遊荒地、偷襲加油站,但卻又正直、誠實且熱愛自由。外觀男與女都配有無袖皮革外套以及短版小可愛,算是安全牌的打扮
Roaming the Badlands, looting scrapyards, raiding fuel depots — life on the road wasn't easy. But growing up in a Nomad clan has its perks. Honesty, integrity, and a love of freedom; qualities that few in Night City possess — and no amount of money can buy. pic.twitter.com/pgPG8rnuwc
— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) June 27, 2020
Street Kid
They say if you wanna understand the streets, you gotta live 'em. Gangs, fixers, dolls, small-time pushers — you were raised by them all. Down here the law of the jungle dictates the weak serve the strong — the only law in Night City you have yet to break. pic.twitter.com/0UbYbL72HM
— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) June 29, 2020
Few leave the corporate world with their lives — fewer still with their souls intact. You've been there — you've bent the rules, exploited secrets and weaponized information. There's no such thing as a fair game, only winners and losers. pic.twitter.com/WRr9OySZZJ
— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) July 1, 2020