相關閱讀:《Apex 英雄》官方公告為 BUG 暫時關閉兩邦加羅爾金色造型
We are aware of a bug affecting Wraith’s hitbox when the Marble Goddess skin is applied. We have deployed a hotfix to bring her hitbox back to its regular state, but a client patch is required to resolve the false-positive blood splatter. More details to come as we have them.
— Apex Legends (@PlayApex) June 24, 2020
《Apex 英雄》官方推特發文解釋,目前已經發現在使用惡靈「白晰女神」造型時會造成 hitbox 異常(hitbox 過大,且無法爆頭),目前已經進行 hotfix 做緊急處理,該造型的 hitbox 也恢復到原本的狀態,但依然會有血液噴濺的特效(實際上沒有命中),這個部份就必須等未來的更新來做修正,未來會再提供更多細節。
相關閱讀:《Apex 英雄》臨時關閉邦加羅爾造型後 又有角色消失了
Was complaining that I was getting downed so easily today after the update. Turns out the new wraith skin has A HUGE hit box wow. @Respawn @PlayApex pic.twitter.com/KQOs3Xemmd
— iambush (@iambushTV) June 23, 2020