北美電競隊伍 100 Thieves 原本應該在當地時間今(18)日以《召喚使命:現代戰爭》來舉辦一場「 Gamers For Equality(平等玩家)」慈善活動, 6 月 9 日時還在官方推特上公布了以《現代戰爭》慈善錦標賽之名捐贈了 10 萬美金給一個促進平等玩家、旨在支持組織促進種族平等的慈善活動贊助廠合作商 Cash App ,也標註上了「黑人的命也是命」。
Gamers for Equality, presented by Cash App.
A 4-week Warzone tournament series to support organizations furthering racial equality. Over the 4 weeks, we’ll be donating $100,000 for this cause.
Thanks @CashApp @JBLAudio for partnering with us on this effort. #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/eNHFNOWKus
— 100 Thieves (@100Thieves) June 8, 2020
但就在原本該舉行活動的今日, 100 Thieves 在推特上卻公佈了一則消息,稱「Gamers For Equality」因為動視(Activision)拒絕慈善活動中使用《現代戰爭》使得該活動不得不延期,但他們仍希望可以舉辦比賽,所以正在找尋其他方法。
Unfortunately, Activision has denied our request to use Warzone for this charity tournament so we'll need to postpone Gamers For Equality. We hope to still host this tournament and are working to find alternative solutions. https://t.co/rZAeYIMCQj
— 100 Thieves (@100Thieves) June 17, 2020
正當眾人皆收到這個消息而感到意外的同時,知名記者 Rod Breslau 在推特上另起爐灶,表示根據動視所給予的消息指出,他們告訴 100 Thieves 在沒有贊助廠商的情況之下可以舉辦慈善活動。
Sources: 100 Thieves was told by Activision that they could run a CoD charity tournament without a sponsor (CashApp) and 100T refused. sources tell me 100T made the original announcement without consulting Activision, likely to get the public on their side https://t.co/1BJwIbRM11
— Rod Breslau (@Slasher) June 17, 2020
如此一來玩家便能明白為何動視拒絕這次的活動,但 100 Thieves在沒有和動視討論的情況下就發出那樣的公告,很可能引發大眾對動視的不解,獲得一些不理智的支持者。