《鬥陣特攻》傳奇輔助選手 Ryujehong,在與暴雪的工作人員 Hoonmaru 一同搭乘美國航空航班時,遭空姐威脅將他們兩個踢下飛機。
I was translating for Ryujehong. When the lady first approached to Jehong, she was aggressive for no reason. Me and Jehong were genuinely curious why he had to move his seat and the lady said, “Because I said so”. Then, I asked, “is there any other reason?” and she said, (1/2) https://t.co/WjnTLKnT0B
— Hoonmaru (@hoonmaru) October 1, 2019
@hoonmaru : “can you tell me why he has to move?”@AmericanAir flight attendant: “because i said so”
LOL she also said after moving @ryujehongsexy behind me, “now all you little friends can sit together”— Danny Lim (@itsmelimmy) October 1, 2019
根據他們 Ryujehong 與 Hoonmaru 所述,當時空姐一臉殺氣地接近他們,並要求他們換位子。當 Ryujehong 與 Hoonmaru 向空姐詢問原因時,孰料空姐竟這樣回答:「因為這是我說的。」Hoonmaru 接著向其詢問是否有其他原因,空姐回應 Hoonmaru:「你要我現在把你踢下去嗎?」
後來 Ryujehong 與 Hoonmaru 還是換了位子,當時 OWL 的主持人也在同一架飛機上,他表示空姐甚至對他們說只要移動兩個人,你們這些小屁孩都能坐在一起。
Hoonmaru 說這位空姐並沒有姓名標籤,所以並不知道名字。