《鬥陣特攻》職業選手 Sayaplayer 是佛羅里達黯淡戰績中的一點星,雖然沒辦法玩他最著名的射控腳色,但是能夠上場就是好事,沒想到竟然遇到疑似種族主義者的騷擾!
Sayaplayer: I went to eat lunch at a restaurant but a few people didn’t seem to like our group; they threw tomatoes at us -_- I should have fed them the tomatoes that fell on the floor 🙁
WHO DID THIS I’M SO MAD https://t.co/2SkezjsbKc
— 스윙칩 (Swingchip) (@swingchip930) June 3, 2019
根據 GLA 學院隊翻譯 Swingchip 的推文,Saya 表示他們一群人外出吃午餐時遇到一群人朝他們丟番茄,但他們選擇隱忍沒有反擊。這樣的離譜行為引起了輿論的討論,Saya 原推文底下許多選手都對他表示支持,也同聲譴責娜些種族主義者,一向心直口快的 Dogman 直接發了一篇推文相挺。
When will racism end, this shit is so god damn unacceptable. If we can get anything from this situation, be EXTRA considerate and give some hospitality to the KR players in our league. You are my brother @minon501
, next time this shit happens to you let me know and I’ll come asap https://t.co/MdyqMtfnrR— Dusttin Bowerman (@DogmanOW) June 4, 2019
「種族歧視什麼時候才會有結束的一天?我們能夠從這些爛事中學到的事就是給我們的韓國隊友們更多更多的熱情招待。Saya 你是我的好兄弟,下次如果還有這種鳥事發生跟我講,我馬上到場相挺。」